Part 22 of Indian Constitution Short Title, Commencement and Repeals

Constitution Short Title, Commencement and Repeals Part 22 of Indian Constitution has Articles 393 to 395

Constitution Of India Part 22 Constitution Short Title, Commencement and Repeals – Articles 393 to 395

Article 393 of Indian Constitution – Short Title
Article 393 of Indian Constitution Article 393 of Indian Constitution This Constitution may be called the Constitution of India. List of all Articles of Indian ...
Article 394 of Indian Constitution – Commencement
Article 394 of Indian Constitution: Commencement Article 394 Commencement of Indian Constitution This article and articles 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 60, 324, 366, 367, ...
Article 395 of Indian Constitution – Repeals
Article 395 of Indian Constitution: Repeals Article 395 Repeals- Constitution Of India The Indian Independence Act, 1947, and the Government of India Act, 1935, together ...


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