Part 14 of Indian Constitution Services Under The Union And The States

Services Under The Union And The States Part 14 of Indian Constitution has Articles 308 to 323

Constitution Of India Part 14 Services Under The Union And The States – Articles 308 to 323

Article 308 of Indian Constitution – Services Under The Union And The States
Article 308 of Indian Constitution: Services Under The Union And The States Article 308 Services Under The Union And The States of Indian Constitution In ...
Article 309 of Indian Constitution
Article 309 of Indian Constitution: Recruitment and conditions of service of persons serving the Union or a State Article 309 Recruitment and conditions of service ...
Article 310 of Indian Constitution
Article 310 of Indian Constitution: Tenure of office of persons serving the Union or a State Article 310 Tenure of office of persons serving the ...
Article 311 of Indian Constitution
Article 311 of Indian Constitution: Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of persons employed in civil capacities under the Union or a State Article 311 Dismissal, ...
Article 312 of Indian Constitution – All India Services
Article 312 of Indian Constitution: All India Services Article 312 All India Services of Indian Constitution (1) Notwithstanding anything in 1 [Chapter VI of Part VI ...
Article 313 of Indian Constitution – Transitional Provisions
Article 313 of Indian Constitution: Transitional Provisions Article 313 Transitional Provisions of Indian Constitution Until other provision is made in this behalf under this Constitution, ...
Article 314 of Indian Constitution
Article 314 of Indian Constitution Article 314 of Indian Constitution [Provision for protection of existing officers of certain services.] Rep. by the Constitution (Twenty-eighth Amendment) ...
Article 315 of Indian Constitution
Article 315 of Indian Constitution: Public Service Commissions for the Union and for the States Article 315 Public Service Commissions for the Union and for the ...
Article 316 of Indian Constitution – Appointment and term of office of members
Article 316 of Indian Constitution: Appointment and term of office of members Article 316 Appointment and term of office of members of Indian Constitution (1) ...
Article 318 of Indian Constitution
Article 318 of Indian Constitution: Power to make regulations as to conditions of service of members and staff of the Commission. Article 318 Power to ...
Article 317 of Indian Constitution
Article 317 of Indian Constitution: Removal and suspension of a member of a Public Service Commission Article 317 Removal and suspension of a member of ...
Article 319 of Indian Constitution
Article 319 of Indian Constitution: Prohibition as to the holding of offices by members of Commission on ceasing to be such members Article 319 Commission ...
Article 320 of Indian Constitution – Functions of Public Service Commissions.
Article 320 of Indian Constitution: Functions of Public Service Commissions Article 320 Functions of Public Service Commissions of Indian Constitution (1) It shall be the ...
Article 321 of Indian Constitution – Power to extend functions of Public Service Commissions
Article 321 of Indian Constitution: Power to extend functions of Public Service Commissions Article 321 Power to extend functions of Public Service Commissions of Indian ...
Article 322 of Indian Constitution – Expenses of Public Service Commissions
Article 322 of Indian Constitution: Expenses of Public Service Commissions Article 322 Expenses of Public Service Commissions of Indian Constitution The expenses of the Union ...
Article 323 of Indian Constitution – Reports of Public Service Commissions
Article 323 of Indian Constitution: Reports of Public Service Commissions Article 323 Reports of Public Service Commissions of Indian Constitution (1) It shall be the duty ...
Article 312A of Indian Constitution – All India Services
Article 312A of Indian Constitution Article 312 All India Services - Constitution Of India (1) Notwithstanding anything in 1 [Chapter VI of Part VI or Part ...


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