21st Amendment, 21st Constitutional Amendment of Indian Constitution

21st Amendment, 21st Constitutional Amendment of Indian Constitution.

Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution (Twenty-second Amendment) Bill, 1966 (Bill No. XXIV of 1966) which was enacted as THE CONSTITUTION (Twenty-first Amendment) Act, 1967

21st Amendment Act, 1967

21st Amendment, 21st Constitutional Amendment of Indian Constitution


There have been persistent demands from the Sindhi-speaking people for the inclusion of the Sindhi language in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution. Although at present Sindhi is not a regional language in a well-defined area, it used to be the language of a province of the undivided India and, but for partition, would have continued to be so. The Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities has also recommended the inclusion of Sindhi in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution. On 4th November, 1966, it was announced that Government had decided to include the Sindhi language in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution. The Bill seeks to give effect to this decision.


The 15th November, 1966.


[10th April, 1967.]

An Act further to amend the Constitution of India.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Eighteenth Year of the Republic of
India as follows:-

1. Short title.- This Act may be called the Constitution (Twenty-first Amendment) Act, 1967.

2. Amendment of Eighth Schedule.-In the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution,-

(a) entries 12 to 14 shall be re-numbered as entries 13 to 15 respec-tively, and

(b) before entry “13” as so re-numbered, the entry “12. Sindhi.” shall be inserted.

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