Part 2 of Indian Constitution Citizenship

Citizenship Part 2 of Indian Constitution has Articles 5 to 11

Constitution Of India Part 2 Citizenship – Articles 5 to 11

Article 5 of Indian Constitution
Article 5 of Indian Constitution: Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution Article 5 Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution of Indian Constitution At ...
Article 6 of Indian Constitution
Article 6 of Indian Constitution: Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan Article 6 Rights of citizenship of certain ...
Article 7 of Indian Constitution
Article 7 of Indian Constitution: Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan Article 7 Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan of Indian ...
Article 8 of Indian Constitution
Article 8 of Indian Constitution: Rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India Article 8 Rights of citizenship of certain persons ...
Article 9 of Indian Constitution
Article 9 of Indian Constitution: Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be citizens Article 9 Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a ...
Article 10 of Indian Constitution
Article 10 of Indian Constitution: Continuance of the rights of citizenship Article 10 Continuance of the rights of citizenship of Indian Constitution  Every person who ...
Article 11 of Indian Constitution
Article 11 of Indian Constitution: Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law Article 11 Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law ...


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